A month? or so ago the mysterious Ri cky left a present in my mailbox; a lil bag of MACKIE'S of Scotland haggis & cracked black pepper (naturally grown & seasoned) Potato Crisps. I've been intrigued as shit ever since I laid eyes on the bag. A quick skim revealed that these are 'thick cut potato crisps' (lets see if they hold up to standard set by Brannigans for thick cut perfection). As soon as I cracked the bag I took a whiff..animal feed? Visually they look like a nice slab of off-white potato goodness with dark specs of flavour. Snatch, chomp..they're on the puffy side of crunchy (I personally would've liked them cooked slightly longer. That said, they're a 3.5..maybe 4 out of 5 on the Brannigans thick cut scale [so not too shabby]). From chip to chip the flavour varies somewhat. Some have a strong initial black pepper..some the pepper doesn't come on until the 2nd half of crunchtime. Either way there is a lot of black pepper in the seasoni...
I like salty snacks, like..really enjoy (and music).
My snack of choice is chips..whether tortilla, potato or something weird; as long as they taste good, I'm down.
I post musings/reviews/interviews here once a month..sometimes more frequently. Just a heads up, I incorporate music into my salty tales. It's difficult to tell if this is a chip blog about music or a music blog about chips. Does it really matter anyway?
Instagram: saltybag204v2 Twitter: @saltybag204