Direct Hit! has been getting people pumped for well over a decade. Back in 2013 they came onto my radar through their debut LP on Red Scare, Brainless God . People were raving about this album when it came out, and I enjoyed it, but it was a bit of a grower for me. There were songs on it that were very (sonically) '97 Blink 182 to me, and I wasn't quite sure what to make of that..because they were mixed in with songs that were 80s(ish) hardcore punk and the odd public domain twisting (after a good minute of trying to make heads or tails of the 90s pop punk element I realized that Direct Hit! [and Rational Anthem] are giving me that follow up to Dude Ranch that I've pined for [but with far better lyrics]). Brainless God was a roulette wheel of sounds. I typically get into the sonic elements before lyrics, so I can be a little slow on the uptake of concept albums, it took a while for me to really digest Brainless God. Luckily I took the time to really get into Direct Hit!, on...
I like salty snacks, like..really enjoy (and music).
My snack of choice is chips..whether tortilla, potato or something weird; as long as they taste good, I'm down.
I post musings/reviews/interviews here once a month..sometimes more frequently. Just a heads up, I incorporate music into my salty tales. It's difficult to tell if this is a chip blog about music or a music blog about chips. Does it really matter anyway?
Instagram: saltybag204v2 Twitter: @saltybag204