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Showing posts from January, 2018

Why Should I Care

Dark Thoughts is a band that up until a few weeks ago I had never heard of (thanks Razorcake) let alone heard..and let me tell you, they're fan-tastic. For the most part the vocals are very Ramones with slightly more aggressive music ( Ramonescore in the Weaselish vein).  Of the 12 songs on their S/T LP, 2 break the 2 minute mark (songs average a whopping 1m34s). The band provides very little information on the packaging (the band members photos are black squares with their names under them), the cover is black with plain white "DARK THOUGHTS" font centered, there's no insert and the lyrics are all on the back (Side A is all romantic relationship based lyrics, Side B is self loathing, being broke and then ends on some more relationship woes) in times new roman laid out very clean [I love the simplicity while still providing all the 'necessary' information]). This album is fun. Do you like fun? Listen to this album! (I'm late to the party, was released Ap...

Tales of Interest

I'm sitting here eating a praline nut mix with peanuts, cashews AND it should go without saying that life's pretty good. You know what else was pretty good..some stuff that I consumed in 2017, below is a list of some of that stuff: Chip/Snack Division : - Covered Bridge chips . (these will likely show up ever year because they're tight AF. [I haven't tried their popcorn line yet..maybe in 2018, we'll see]) - Co-op Gold Pure chips. If you have co-op food stores in your region of Canada grab a bag of these. They're primarily black with a circular logo that says PURE in the centre of it. These chips might seem familiar..the back of the bag says, "Homegrown by the Albright Family in the heart of New Brunswick's potato country...russet potatoes..kettle cooked.." if that sounds familiar it should, if it doesn't. Do a little sleuthing and you might link these to a familiar 'tight AF' chip brand for a wicked price point. Hazzah...

Round and Round We Go (2017 Table of Contents)

This is just a rundown of my postings in 2017 including: the blog title, chip and music reference for anyone that doesn't want to read all them (I've done this each previous year 2015 and 2016 ): January 2017: Take the World I'm Coming Home with You - Music (for title): Kitty Kat Fan Club. This was a rundown of good things from 2016. Retten Til Forskellighed / Break It All - Music: The Assassinators - Sigt Efter Hjertet    Chip: Pringles vs No Name Salt & Vinegar tube chips February 2017: Is This a Test? - Music: Clowns - Bad Blood     Chips: Covered Bridge Sweet and Spicy Jalapeno Warm Beer & Wild Times - Books (Music themed): GFY Press/     Chips: Uncle Ray's Kosher Dill and Smokey Chipotle & Jack Cheese March 2017 : Gyasi Went Home - Music: (for the title) Bedouin Soundclash (in the writing) staying sober for live music     Chips: Yum Yum Sriracha All I Wanted - Music: Jabber...