Dark Thoughts is a band that up until a few weeks ago I had never heard of (thanks Razorcake) let alone heard..and let me tell you, they're fan-tastic. For the most part the vocals are very Ramones with slightly more aggressive music (Ramonescore in the Weaselish vein). Of the 12 songs on their S/T LP, 2 break the 2 minute mark (songs average a whopping 1m34s). The band provides very little information on the packaging (the band members photos are black squares with their names under them), the cover is black with plain white "DARK THOUGHTS" font centered, there's no insert and the lyrics are all on the back (Side A is all romantic relationship based lyrics, Side B is self loathing, being broke and then ends on some more relationship woes) in times new roman laid out very clean [I love the simplicity while still providing all the 'necessary' information]). This album is fun. Do you like fun? Listen to this album! (I'm late to the party, was released April 2016..you know what that means, it's been 2 years..new Dark Thoughts LP or EP in the cards? [I sure hope so {one of my favourites (that is new [to me]) in the last 12 months}])
When chip companies create flavour lines based on themes (late night, appetizer, etc) the result usually ends up being pretty wack. In this guys opinion, the emphasis is put on aligning with the theme as opposed to making a flavour people actually want (I could be [and most likely am] completely wrong with this assumption [or am I?]). Enter Double Dutch "appetizer edition" Ridgies "doubly delicious" Sour Cream, Green Onion and Bacon. The actual chips are interesting, tiny ruffles style (maybe even smaller than Ruffles proper) ridges..promising. Welp, that is where the promise ends, they sort of taste like dirty sour cream and onion (not in a potato skins left on the chips kind of way, more of a "wow, the 10 second rule really is more of a guideline and I lost the gamble this time" kind of way). The onion flavour has a sweet tang to it which is interesting..I guess. The odd chip has hints of faux bacon flavour (I think that lends to the dirty flavour). Not a lot of "sour cream" flavour. They have a light crunch that turns into a mushy almost pringles like potato flake blob in your mouth. As with most onion based flavours, the green onion taste builds up in your mouth after a while. I'm thinking that the people behind this flavour may treat their wait staff kind of poor and think that the rolled on the floor flavour is normal for wedges..or more likely, it's just another weak attempt from people who like describing chips more consuming said chips. Meh, inoffensive at best. Flavour tastes manufactured.
Stay hydrated,
ps..More Amy backup vocals (or the odd verse) in Dark Thoughts might not be a bad thing..I dunno, just sayin'.
ps..More Amy backup vocals (or the odd verse) in Dark Thoughts might not be a bad thing..I dunno, just sayin'.
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