Mike Park puts out fantastic music, either with music that he's physically making or albums that he puts out through Asian Man Records he rarely puts out something that I'm not into. I think it's because he puts out music that he believes in. One of the bands that falls into the 'puts out through Asian Man' category is Sarchasm. I got their first couple LPs that Mr. Park put out (Beach Blanket Bummer Pop [2019] and S/T [2020]) and quite enjoyed them but when Conditional Love came out at the end of 2022 I for some reason didn't check it out and therefore never purchased the album....that is until the pre-order for the new Abruptors album popped up. I was trying to find an album or two to fill out my order and put on Conditional Love and was suddenly disappointed in myself for missing out on 2 months of listening to Conditional Love. This album hits so hard, which is somewhat bitter sweet as it's Sarchasm's swan song..to quote Homer Simpson, "And wh...
I like salty snacks, like..really enjoy (and music).
My snack of choice is chips..whether tortilla, potato or something weird; as long as they taste good, I'm down.
I post musings/reviews/interviews here once a month..sometimes more frequently. Just a heads up, I incorporate music into my salty tales. It's difficult to tell if this is a chip blog about music or a music blog about chips. Does it really matter anyway?
Instagram: saltybag204v2 Twitter: @saltybag204