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Showing posts from June, 2024

End Transmission

 Spicy Dill Pickle (kettle cooked), eh President’s Choice. Took you long enough. I found out about these about a month ago when my wife brought home a bag (and a bag of the new PC spicy ketchup as well). When I cracked the bag I was met with a familiar dill pickle scent, smells similar to PCs creamy dill pickle. Initial taste was a creamy dill pickle flavour followed soon by a nice pepper heat. It’s not an obnoxious spicy, it’s just sort of there for the party and lingers for a while after you’ve finished the mouthful. Natural hot pepper flavour that builds the further you get into the bag. These are some crunchy kettle cooked chips, they’re not playing around. Outside of the crunch, the chips definitely play second fiddle to the seasoning. Potato flavour is minimal, that’s not a complaint just an observation. These are also basically health chips at only 17% of our daily fat and a very surprizing 8% of your daily sodium (usually when the flavour is this pronounced the sodium levels wi