Spicy Dill Pickle (kettle cooked), eh President’s Choice. Took you long enough. I found out about these about a month ago when my wife brought home a bag (and a bag of the new PC spicy ketchup as well). When I cracked the bag I was met with a familiar dill pickle scent, smells similar to PCs creamy dill pickle. Initial taste was a creamy dill pickle flavour followed soon by a nice pepper heat. It’s not an obnoxious spicy, it’s just sort of there for the party and lingers for a while after you’ve finished the mouthful. Natural hot pepper flavour that builds the further you get into the bag. These are some crunchy kettle cooked chips, they’re not playing around. Outside of the crunch, the chips definitely play second fiddle to the seasoning. Potato flavour is minimal, that’s not a complaint just an observation. These are also basically health chips at only 17% of our daily fat and a very surprizing 8% of your daily sodium (usually when the flavour is this pronounced the sodium levels will go up, I guess dill and spice don’t need much sodium to get up in your face) per 50g. I’d say these are similar to the Old Dutch spicy dill pickle, but at a super good price point. Crunchy chips with a nice flavourful heat, bangin’.
Edmonton's Home Front are f'ing fantastic. At the moment I'm listening to their full length Games of Power. Home Front play a synthy (post?) punk with a smattering of other influences. The vocal delivery (and here and there the music) has some hardcore/oi aggression (which makes sense as half of [the two members of] Home Front was in Wednesday Night Heroes). At times there's more punk that shines through, other times (I'm not sure if it's because of the synth) it makes me think of new wave. Throughout the album my mind goes to The Cure, somewhere between early to mid 80's. There's some darkness of Seventeen Seconds through Pornography, but then other times a more poppy The Top/Head on the Door influence shines through. That's not to say that The Cure is the only influence I can hear (this would definitely fit in a mix with Joy Division), but it's the one that I'm most familiar with. Bleak lyrics which are both offset by the melody and play into the coldness that synths can bring to music. Did I mention Home Front are fantastic. They're familiar but at the same time very much their own beast. Go listen to Home Front and have a dance before the world implodes.
stay hydrated,
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