At the end of 2023 I saw Quit It! play in Winnipeg at the Handsome Daughter. I typically try to catch the opening bands, because I like being introduced to new music. One of the opening bands was Leon's Getting Larger, LGL (not sure if they ever abbreviate their band name like that [it reminds me of LWL, the Jersey pop punk band from the late 90s early 2000s, I'll Always Remember the 6th is such a banger {LGL doesn't really sound much like LWL, other than a bit of off center pop sounding...where was I going with this}]) were really fun to watch and they produce a sound that I don't hear very often coming out of Manitoba (maybe I just typically run in a different musical circle?). Anyway, Leon's Getting Larger put out their first album late last year, You Be Good Now...which saw a vinyl release earlier this month (February 2025). I ordered a copy and it came to my door late last week. This album's great. Leon's Getting Larger has a couple singin' voices on the album, but for the most part it's the drummer with lead vocals. His vocals are melodic and, like... I don't quite know what it is but it almost sounds like he's a little monotoned with a deeper voice, but he's able to push his voice a bit and hit the notes that he's aiming for. It's almost like something between the Promise Ring and Spraynard (and probably some other emo references that I just don't know). Leon's has a late 90's midwest emo sound, they also remind me of (I don't know if this is what they'd be called but..) throwback 90s emo like Spraynard and early Spanish Love Songs. Some noodling, some jangley and at times shoegazey guitars that are hypnotic before they introduce some mild chaos into it (not really in a mathy way). Huzzah.
Also last week a very nice person gave me a bag of Lay's Fried Crab Flavor potato chips, lets just say that person is the Tops. Wowza, they taste like buttery crab with an emphasis on crab. There's also a bit of a bite to them, is it pepper?..I think it's a bit more of a kick than black pepper, but not quite in the hot pepper range. Odd. There's also a slight sweetness in this mix. These are some odd chips. They somehow taste rich. The crab mixed with the potato relatively well, but it does throw it off slightly (maybe the potato is where the slight sweetness comes from?). I'm not quite sure if I'm into these or not. Leon's Getting Larger I dig no question, these chips I think I like, but there's also points that make me question myself. There's so much going on and when the crab flavour really kicks in it's almost overwhelming. Then the spice kicks in at the back end. I'd recommend trying these, but it makes sense that they're only in a 70g bag, I'd almost say that 30g would be the perfect size bag. Wowza.
Stay hydrated,
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