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Paper Trail$

When something leaves a bad taste in your mouth it's hard to get over. Sometimes it's literally a taste..sometimes it's a wack name.

A few months ago I mentioned the abomination that was Late Night all nighter Cheeseburger Doritos. Doritos didn't stop there with their Late Night line, they also released a "last call Jalapeno Popper". This post is however not about Doritos repugnant misstep, it is about President's Choice and how they once again took the same concept as Doritos and ran with it. Taking this into consideration I was understandably cautious when I picked up a bag of President's Choice Loads of Jalapeno Popper chips. They come in a standard PC bag with a 5 chili pepper heat rating. The background/wallpaper of the bag tips you that these are ridged chips. When I cracked the bag open I could see that these weren't the weakest link in the 'PC Loads of' line, there was a good coating of seasoning on these wavy lil potato slices. I popped a chip in my mouth and was met with a dry chili pepper heat accompanied by subtle cheddar seasoning playing a supporting role. As with most PC flavours, you get just the right amount of potato (it's not overwhelming one bit). As I traversed my way through this bag I noticed that my forehead was starting to sweat (their 5 chili pepper rating is fairly accurate, they bring a really nice heat). These chips are slightly hotter than your standard Jalapeno flavour chips. These chips are Mexican Chili's spicier [and 100% better] cousin. If you're looking for a little heat check em out.

When a band/artist makes use of symbols in their names I pretty much automatically write them off as garbage. I'm not sure if there was a bad experience I had (that I blocked from my memory) with a stupidly named group or maybe I'm just getting old and cranky. Does it matter? (either way it's absolutely ridiculous [or is it a way to make ones name more googleable? {Kids! Right!}]). A year or two ago I had heard good things about a rapper named Joey Badass..then I saw his name in writing Joey Bada$$..'Oh, one of these R&B/pop rap douchebags. Pass! There's already way too many artists that I've heard positive reviews of and haven't had the chance to check out. I don't have the time to dick with a guy who uses dollar signs in his name'. Because of this symbol based preconception I kept myself in the dark on Mr. Badass (still not a fan of the whole $$ thing, I prefer to spell it phonetically) until this past spring. I was in sloth records (YYC) and the clerk put on a rap album. As I was flicking through the records I couldn't help but notice that the fellow rapping was..well rapping. Not crap R&B sing rapping (or worse R&B hooks on every song), not filling the album with unnecessary trend jocking bullshit blah, dude was an actual emcee with a (simplified description due to lack of hip hop vernacular) throwback NYC style. When I asked the clerk what album he was playing he hipped me to B4.DA.$$ (before da money) from Joey Badass *alarm clock noise*. I was still turned off by the $$ bullcorn so it actually took me a few months of youtube listening (and downloading his mixtapes) before I actually picked up the cd (I didn't have any choice, shit's fantastic). I'm not sure if this will change my preconceptions based on shit band/artist names but I'm pretty glad I got past this minor mental roadblock.

Stay hydrated,

ps. Jo-Vaughn Virginie Scott (Joey Badass) was born in 1995. Holy shit.


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