On a recent trip I picked up some records and some salty snacks. Of these records and snacks I picked up two based on packaging.
Tasty Nuts (Haldiram's Nagpur, Taste of Tradition, Indian Snacks, Tasty Nuts, Spicy Peanuts, "Spiced coated fried peanuts" to be exact). I saw these gems in the store and thought, "Who doesn't want some tasty nuts?". They come in a maroon bag with a picture of the nuts taking up half of the space while lettering and the Haldiram's logo taking up the rest. When it was time to get to snacking I poured some nuts into my hand to view some peanuts that have a light yellow almost flaky coating sprinkled with a red seasoning powder. I popped them into my mouth and was delightfully met with peanuts covered in a light (almost flakey?) crunchy coating. The seasoning on the nuts is fairly spicy. Something like a hot chili powder with a hint of mesquite? and possibly a hint of lime? [I'm not great with labeling spice but these nuts are as advertised, quite Tasty]. If you're into something with a little kick you should definitely check these out [they should be fairly accessible, I grabbed my bag in wal-mart].
Now onto the music.
I was in my favourite record store recently (Sloth Records, Calgary) flipping through the used section and I came across an LP that looked interesting. The cover is a cartoon of a wood floor with a bunch of bloody knives/weapons lying around. Flip the record over to a green base with majority of the space being taken up by a cartoon drawing of a bunch of zombies? (the faces are drawn in a Christ Illusion type mannor) in a vortex? partying. Shit looks fun. (This is a split LP) The font for one of the bands looks super metal/crusty and I couldn't read what it said (after viewing the liner notes it appears this band is Wasteoid) the other band is a melty mucusey font that reads Black Market Fetus. There's no track listing and the record label is Six Weeks Records (I think I have other records from this label). Based on the packaging I'm going with the assumption that these bands are somewhere between thrash/hardcore/crust. The liner notes have lyrics listed. Black Market Fetus provides 5 songs for their side (my guess is thrashy punk). Wasteoid provides 11 songs on their side (my guess, crust?).
I haven't had a chance to listen to this record yet but I'm assuming it's gonna be spicy. I'll update this post within 2 weeks with my aural findings.
Stay hydrated,
Wasteoid are thrashy crusty death metal. Vocals are split between a fairly shrill fella (pretty hard to make out what he's saying), and some throaty death metal dude. The music is fairly frantic the whole way through.
Black Market Fetus is, again thrashy crusty metal. There's slight leans towards punk if you search for it. They sound like they're fronted by a rabid pitbull (or 2 pitbulls, there's some throaty growls in there that I can't tell if it's the original singer or a second guy) (I had to seriously try to make out a single lyric from listening..did not sound english for the most part). Shit gets really sludgy near the end of their side.
Tasty Nuts (Haldiram's Nagpur, Taste of Tradition, Indian Snacks, Tasty Nuts, Spicy Peanuts, "Spiced coated fried peanuts" to be exact). I saw these gems in the store and thought, "Who doesn't want some tasty nuts?". They come in a maroon bag with a picture of the nuts taking up half of the space while lettering and the Haldiram's logo taking up the rest. When it was time to get to snacking I poured some nuts into my hand to view some peanuts that have a light yellow almost flaky coating sprinkled with a red seasoning powder. I popped them into my mouth and was delightfully met with peanuts covered in a light (almost flakey?) crunchy coating. The seasoning on the nuts is fairly spicy. Something like a hot chili powder with a hint of mesquite? and possibly a hint of lime? [I'm not great with labeling spice but these nuts are as advertised, quite Tasty]. If you're into something with a little kick you should definitely check these out [they should be fairly accessible, I grabbed my bag in wal-mart].
Now onto the music.
I was in my favourite record store recently (Sloth Records, Calgary) flipping through the used section and I came across an LP that looked interesting. The cover is a cartoon of a wood floor with a bunch of bloody knives/weapons lying around. Flip the record over to a green base with majority of the space being taken up by a cartoon drawing of a bunch of zombies? (the faces are drawn in a Christ Illusion type mannor) in a vortex? partying. Shit looks fun. (This is a split LP) The font for one of the bands looks super metal/crusty and I couldn't read what it said (after viewing the liner notes it appears this band is Wasteoid) the other band is a melty mucusey font that reads Black Market Fetus. There's no track listing and the record label is Six Weeks Records (I think I have other records from this label). Based on the packaging I'm going with the assumption that these bands are somewhere between thrash/hardcore/crust. The liner notes have lyrics listed. Black Market Fetus provides 5 songs for their side (my guess is thrashy punk). Wasteoid provides 11 songs on their side (my guess, crust?).
I haven't had a chance to listen to this record yet but I'm assuming it's gonna be spicy. I'll update this post within 2 weeks with my aural findings.
Stay hydrated,
Wasteoid are thrashy crusty death metal. Vocals are split between a fairly shrill fella (pretty hard to make out what he's saying), and some throaty death metal dude. The music is fairly frantic the whole way through.
Black Market Fetus is, again thrashy crusty metal. There's slight leans towards punk if you search for it. They sound like they're fronted by a rabid pitbull (or 2 pitbulls, there's some throaty growls in there that I can't tell if it's the original singer or a second guy) (I had to seriously try to make out a single lyric from listening..did not sound english for the most part). Shit gets really sludgy near the end of their side.
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