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Take the World I'm Coming Home with You

2016 happened.

We now live in the future, 2017..(or something like that)

Below I've listed some stuff that I enjoyed in 2016. The stuff on the list isn't necessarily new for 2016, maybe just new to me..basically just stuff that I enjoyed consuming in the last 365 or so.

 I'm out of order? No, you're OUT OF ORDER!! THIS WHOLE LIST IS OUT OF ORDER!!!

Chip/Snack Division:

- "Homemade" onion and sour cream dip (from a NY Times article, super easy [Thanks JLCVan])

- Covered Bridge (in case you weren't aware, you can order them online at a reasonable price, it's a little more than in the store, but when you can't find certain flavours (loaded hot dog, sweet and spicy jalapeno [haven't tried them yet, box is on the way[) locally it's a nice plan B.

- President's Choice (the flavour rainbow combined with consistency is unmatched [now just send some Caesar chips to Brandon {seriously!!}])

- Tayto (and the local Super Thrifty stocking them)

- All Dressed (the flavour in general, PC Loads of if you want me to narrow it down)

- Covered Bridge 102g bags at Dollarama (a deal that's almost too good to be true)

Music Division:

- Kitty Kat Fan Club - Song's About Cats 7"

- Jeff Rosenstock (basically anything he touches)
- Top Bunk - S/T 7"
- Mulligrub - Soft Grudge
- Skyzoo and Apollo Brown - The Easy Truth
- Pears - Green Star
- martha - blisters in the pit of my heart
- The Unlovables/Dirtbike Annie - Reunion Show
- Mikey Erg - Tentative Decisions
- Factor Chandelier - Factoria
- Turkish Techno - Number Two
- Black Tower - The Secret Fire
- Lenny and the Piss Poor Boys - S/T

Things that came out this year but I haven't been able to immurse myself in yet:

- Murderburgers - 12 habits of highly defective people
- Tribe - we got it from here (ordered cd on amazon, when I received it, it was the clean version *drops to knees, shakes fist at sky* so the unedited version is still in the mail)
- Stretch and Bobbito: Radio that changed lives

Things to look forward to in 2017:

- Tom Petta releasing new music in 2017 (Bigwig and also his new bluegrass band)
- Bombpops releasing their first LP (Fat)
- Jidenna S/T
- Crusades - This is a Sickness and Sickness Will End (A&A)
- Captain We're Sinking (new LP)
- Vultures United (new LP [I believe])
- John Smith (or whatever alias or group he releases music with in 2017)

Stay hydrated,


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