When I was..17?..I was at the CD Plus across from Sportsmans and I made some great purchases. I grabbed a copy of Better off Dead (strictly based on Lanemeyer naming themselves after it), Op Ivy's S/T discography CD and Give em the Boot II (Hellcat Records). I can't remember why I picked up Give em the Boot II (maybe it was Rancid's cover of if the kids are united..), anyway, damn that comp was awesome. The mix of ska, punk and other punk adjacent genres on it is almost unbeatable. It introduced me to at least a handful of bands that I followed for quite some time..and some that I follow to this day. One of those bands that are still in rotation to this day is The Slackers . From first listen of the bouncy Have the Time they had my attention. For a while I just listened to their songs that were on the various Give em the Boot comps. Eventually (since this was the mid 00's) I acquired a few of The Slackers albums digitally ( The Question and Peculiar ) but for some reas...
I like salty snacks, like..really enjoy (and music).
My snack of choice is chips..whether tortilla, potato or something weird; as long as they taste good, I'm down.
I post musings/reviews/interviews here once a month..sometimes more frequently. Just a heads up, I incorporate music into my salty tales. It's difficult to tell if this is a chip blog about music or a music blog about chips. Does it really matter anyway?
Instagram: saltybag204v2 Twitter: @saltybag204