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All in Time

Bonsoir. Do you like to party? Well you've come to the right place than because if you're reading these words you've already come too far and there's no turning back, you might as well read the rest of the words below until you hit the 'stay hydrated' tag line. No if's and's or but's. I'm about to take you on a lyrical, spiritual, miracle of a trip with my following prose. If you're new to this blog I'll let you in on a little secret (and if you've read posts on this blog before you've probably picked up on my subtle hints that) I like chips and music. Completely new, old, familiar, nostalgic, it doesn't matter man, if I can consume on of the aforementioned vices (or even better BOTH)  then it's a good day. What constitutes a great day you ask?..well, we'll leave that for another day. Sometimes I'm blunt with my music and chip connections in my blog posts, sometimes I'm more or less grasping out at straws...but most of the time I'm somewhere in the between. Now, some of you may relate to this..some may not...but when you order records from smaller labels, sometimes they'll use extra LP jackets that were overprinted to protect the records in shipping (just the jackets). I have a dozen or so of these jackets downstairs that are just a few different albums..this past spring when I got an order from Asian Man it was packed with 5 copies of Dan P.'s My Living Room jackets which have been sitting in my 'current year purchases' record crate I see this cover quite often. To date I only own one Dan Potthast album, because he was the other side of Vol 1 of Toh Kay's You by Me series (I'm not sure if it's a series if they only do 2 editions..Dan P in 2010 and Sycamore Smith in 2014). Toh Kay's rendition of Dan P.'s I've Set Sail was actually one of my wedding songs..but somehow I haven't delved into the MU330 main man's catalogue both solo and with MU330. I actually almost saw him live in Winnipeg in 2013, him and Mike Park were opening for Streetlight Manifesto's tour. I got 'tickets' to the show, showed up at the venue and it turns out Streetlight had issues getting accross the border. I would have went in and watched Mike and Dan play..except for the fact that for this show I had purchased my tickets through Streetlight's charity guest list sale..and without Streetlight being there, their guest list wasn't in existence so me and the wife weren't admitted into the show (not only did I not get to see Streetlight [who hasn't returned to Wpg since {and if you've been reading the Salty Bag lately you'll know how much of a bummer that'd be to me}] but I didn't get to see Mike Park or Dan P., [and after listening to Dan P's My Living Room for the last half hour I realized that that's quite a bummer..I think I'm a little late up on Dan, no?]). C'est la vie. What does Mr. Potthast sound like on My Living Room you ask? Great. Melody, a lot of upbeat folk-esque music, some country and ska hints, a dash of rock bounce. Most of it is fairly bare bones, but there's the odd flourish of piano, brass, know, bandish stuff..I don't believe I heard anything electric though. There's lyrics, but this is my first time listening to the album and I don't have a lyric sheet in front of me so you'll just have to give it a listen yourself for a lyrical breakdown. Well, thanks Asian Man, now I have to dig deeper into Dan P. (Potthast [MU330])'s back catalogue.    

I picked the co-op Gold Kettle Cooked Parmesan and Garlic flavoured chips to write about tonight not because I was overly stoked on them, but simply because they were 7 months past their best before date and I figured I should probably get to downing them before they go stale. When I cracked the bag open they weren't all that fragrant. When I tossed one into my mouth I was pleasantly surprised, they're pretty good. The seasoning is somewhat 'creamy' in the way that chip flavours can be creamy. The parm and garlic flavours are present but not very aggressive. There's the faintest garlic bite to, don't know, 1 or 2 out of 10. The parm cheese flavour is there, it''s a bit more flavourful than your 'parm' shake cheese (in Canada I'm thinking Kraft parm) but it's not super parm cheesey. I'd put these chips as being a first cousin to sour cream and onion...but SC&O's slightly cooler cousin that people would rather hang out with. The parm cheese stank is more present in the aftertaste and as such seemingly builds up the further you get into the bag to make them seem more cheesy. One might say that these chips taste almost EXACTLY like Dutch Crunch parm and garlic chips but at a better price point (co-op branded foods slap, if you live in western Canada and you're not on the co-op brand train you're missing out).

Stay hydrated,


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