President's Choice typically makes choice chips, you dig? So when I dug into a bag of PC Kettle Cooked Caramelized Onion & Balsamic Vinegar what where my findings. Well, let me tell you! They didn't have a real scent when I cracked the bag. The chips are covered in a sweet onion powdery flavouring (almost a french onion soup flavour at times) with a tart aftertaste. The chips are tilting slightly towards the well cooked side of the spectrum, with a hint at being well cooked. Their crunch is average or mid weight (however you want to look at it). Pretty good bag of chips. They're sort of a heavy flavour...does that make sense?
So a week or so ago I was listening to Jonah Raydio (podcast) and he mentioned a 'late night' comedy show on youtube that's rooted in metal called Two Minutes to Late Night. Jonah's description may have been better than mine thus far because it made me go check it out. Now let me tell you what I think of this 'Two Minutes to Late Night' show show! It's funny. The house band is Mutoid Man with Emily Lee (who are quite funny) and the show is hosted by Gwarsenio Hall. There's typically a metal music guest, some comedy bits, some shredding and a weird cover song at the end that's been metal'd. If you dig comedy, you'll probably dig Two Minutes to Late Night..if you dig punk or metal you'll probably dig Two Minutes to Late Night slightly more. The show is DIY and funded by way of Patreon, there's also a regular podcast that I haven't had the time to dip my toes into yet. It's not quite the same tone/style as the public access version of The Chris Gethard Show, but it's definitely a comedic cousin of TCGS.
Stay hydrated,
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