What happens when you mix Grumpster, Small Crush, The Moore Family Band and Dog Party? We'll find out when the Doki Doki LP comes out. Based on the first 3 singles I Was Killing It Man, Liar Liar and I Can't Fight This Crazy Anymore it's going to be varied across the punk and pop/rock spectrum. I Can't Fight This Crazy Anymore is the song that has me really excited for the album to come out, it's fronted by Small Crush's Logan Hammon and has that sweet Small Crush 90's influenced danceable alt-rock sound that is just infectious. Wooo yeah!
So have another bag of Slide Gourmet Potato Chips in front of me tonight, the flavour du jour is Honey BBQ. I think these are going to be sweet with a mild kick. Not sure how the thick cut butteryness will blend in.
The smell like BBQ with some oil (canola). The flavour is slightly sweet, a bit of honey lemon twang. With this flavour I can taste a bit more of the potato skins. The BBQ is low in the mix, but pops out in the aftertaste. The first couple chips I was all like, "I dunno" but the further I get into this lil bag the more I'm digging the honey lemon of it all. If I had read the ingredients before hand I would have known that lemon was in the mix, but I'm happy that I didn't, what a lovely surprise. They're crunchy chips, but the thickness of them lends to a crunch that quickly gives way to an airy potato crunch rather than a hard/well done crunch. Honey lemon baby with a hint of bbq on a thick cut potato conduit that's not overly greasy. Oi, these are an enjoyable cousin in the BBQ fam. And since it's only in a 2.5oz (71g) bag, these are basically health chips.
Stay hydrated,
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