Compliments EXTRAAA! Flavour (ridged potato chips) Buffalo Wing & Blue Cheese aren't terribly fragrant. They have those mini ridges, you know, the ones that are like a couple millimeters deep (Ruffles style, if you've ever had Ruffles [if not then my description better be sufficient]). The crunch is average (for non-kettle cooked). The seasoning is middleish for coverage, I wouldn't describe these as extra flavour, let alone extraaa! but that's marketing, putting ADEQUATE! Flavour probably doesn't have the same selling power. There's a mild sweetness combined with a mix of medium hot buffalo sauce and fake blue cheese flavour (I'm not quite sure how to describe the blue cheese flavour, it doesn't taste like I just chunked off a piece of cheese and ate it, but it tastes like blue cheese that is some sort of gelatinous spread where you're not super turned off by it, but it's also not something to write home about...I don't know, I'm sort of on the fence [maybe the sweetness is part of the blue cheese portion of the flavour?]). The heat is like a 3/10 if that...slightly hotter than BBQ, but definitely not igniting forehead sweats. All in all, I'd say these are mostly acceptable, I'm not putting the bag down, but I'm also not completely sold on this flavour. If you have the chance, maybe just stick with President's Choice version of Buffalo Wing chips. If you're not in Canada, I don't know, I wouldn't search these out.
I quite enjoy some late 90s/early 2000s pop. When they bring the dance party, I, am, there. When the ballads come on I'm often one foot out the door. That's not a hard and fast rule, there are some albums where the ballads are also quite alright, just not as consistently enjoyable as the dance party tracks. Aqua's Aquarium is a notable banger from start to finish, ballads and all. Spice Girls could also nail a ballad. LFO was a little hit and miss for me, Summer Girls will always be a 100% great time for me and Girl on TV is also top notch, but some of the deeper ballad based cuts start to lose me, until the 'rapper' comes into play. I was listening to LFO's LFO album while doing the dishes today and I started thinking, is LFO the white boy (culturally appropriating) version of TLC. Their song structures were similar mixing primarily R&B/Pop with a rap verse or two (Left Eye's verses were always my favourite part of TLC's songs, it blew my mind that they'd often edit them out for the radio). I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this so I'll leave it at this..
Stay hydrated,
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