Myles Bullen put out a new album on March 1st, timetokill, it is beautiful. I came to Myles's music through Fake Four/Ceschi a couple years ago and their brand of weird rap really got it's hooks into me. The music on timetokill is all over the map. There's songs with synthy/computery beeps and bloops and heavy bass. There are songs that are lush yet somehow spacious. A few that are bare bones uke music. Yet the album is cohesive as hell. I think that's primarily due to Myles Bullen's melodic delivery of his very personal lyrics that are so heavy you can't help but feel grounded when listening to this album. There's some seriously dark lyrical content but they offset it with an optimism that when it comes out makes you feel like you're sitting outside on a sunny day feeling a nice warm breeze while you watch the clouds float by allowing you to make pictures in your mind with the blue and white canvas. Myles seamlessly goes from smooth raps to singing to yelling to fast rap (not quite chopper, but like a cousin). I want to be lazy and call this emo rap, and maybe that could be a tag, but I feel that would be selling Myles short. They've lived a life and let us into it, the good and the bad. If you're open to genre bending (while still rooted in rap), clever dark humor and personal lyrics you should check out timetokill.
When I was in the store the other day I saw that Old Dutch Ridgies extra had a new (at least I haven't noticed it before) flavour. Honey BBQ. Something about the flavour got me really stoked. I can't recall having had honey bbq chips before, and if I have then well, I guess I'm getting old and losing my memory. I've always been more of a fan of sweet bbq's as opposed to smokey, so without burying the lead any further, I grabbed a bag (big surprise eh.). I cracked the bag tonight and am quite happy with my choice to consume. The chips are small ridged with medium crunch (OD Ridgies chips are similar to Ruffles). I'm not here for the base chip though, I came for the flavour, and what a flavour! That's a slight overstatement, these chips are quite alight. The honey sweetness beams through while you get a mild mesquite, smokey bbq flavour swirling around. These aren't too far off from mesquite bbq, but there's just enough honey sweetness to make them their own beast.
Stay hydrated
p.s. The beat for Heartonfire<3 feels like it could have been produced by Sapient. I wrote my will on a chalkboard incase things change reminds me a lot of eichlers. Maple Syrup reminds me a lot of Kitz Willman on his unhinged tracks. Not sure if any of those mean anything to you, but if they do you'll understand how eclectic this album is.
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