Yoo. So President's Choice Spicy Ketchup (kettle cooked) potato chips "Crave-worthy crunch with an unexpected kick" (but really, how is it unexpected, they say right on the bag that they're spicy [did PC assume that we wouldn't trust them? Maybe the company's ethics are not the most trustworthy, but the products typically aren't]) bang. I tried them last week and have been thinking about the second bag in the salty cellar ever since. They're PC kettle cooked chips, decent crunch and not overly greasy. The flavour though, the flavour; vinegar tartness, sweet tomatoey ketchup and a fantastic flavourful (cayenne) bite. The flavours dance around together in your mouth. Sweet, no, tart, no spicy pepper, huzzah. The odd time some potato flavour peeks out, but just for a second so that it doesn't overstay it's welcome. I'm hoping that PC keeps these along with the spicy dill pickle around for a while.
In late 2022 DL Incognito put out his first album in 9 years, What Once Was Will Never Be (not sure if this Spotify link will work, it's not on Bandcamp [the rest of DL's catalogue is however]). On What Once Was DL delivers exactly what you'd expect; dope raps with flows for days and tongue twisting rhymes over boom bap beats. I dare you to not nod your head while listening along. DL handles the majority of production (about half the album), with Techtwelve, ILLO and Freeza Chin lending a hand here and there. What Once Was is another timeless album from DL that has a foot in the 90s without sounding dated.
Stay hydrated,
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