This past week I was going through a drawer in my house and I came across an old CD binder. There was a bunch of burnt full albums in it with a few mixed cd's. One of the mixed cd's was a rap compilation that I culled together in...99..2000. I thought, 'I don't remember this being my best work, but why not take a stroll down memory lane' and popped it into the cd player in my car [it's sad that in the digital age of smart phones/ipods that kids won't get to experience the joy of narrowing their music selections down to an 80 minute masterpiece that will last for years..decades..probably not centuries..and can't be altered to suit their ever-changing taste]. Opening track; Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More. This was followed by a Wyclef track, Black Rob's Like Whoa, some late 90's quasi-mainstream rap and then..Ice Ice Baby. Ice Ice Baby is an odd track; if you drop it in the middle of a bunch of disposable pop [say at a dance/social/etc], it can be pretty fun...when nestled between decent rap leaves the taste of shit in your mouth. Based on your mood or setting Ice Ice Baby can give you varied results.
Late Night all nighter Cheeseburger Doritos were absolutely terrible. Like, you were looking up at the clouds and a bird crapped in your mouth terrible. Ever since enduring Doritos monstrosity, I have been very skeptical when a chip company has cheeseburger flavoured chips. This skepticism carried over when I saw President's Choice World of Flavours Canadian Burger chips..but given the track record PC has with their chip flavours I figured I'd give them a chance. The first time I tried Canadian Burger was this past March. They didn't become my favourite flavour but also didn't go up on my list of chip vendettas. I wasn't in a rush to try them again however I also wasn't averse to future forward to a couple weeks ago. I cracked a new bag of PC Canadian Burger chips. I grabbed one of the ridged odd smelling salty semicircles out of the bag and gently placed it into my maw. These chips taste like a smokey pickle wrapped in some sort of animal flesh dipped in ketchup then placed on the barbeque. I got about a third of the way through the bag and hit my threshold, I wasn't turned off by the chips but wasn't so drawn in that I had to finish the bag. I clipped them and returned to the salty bag half a week later. This time I made it through another third of the bag before I had enough, I was no longer enjoying this flavour [however not the point of tossing the rest of the bag]. Clip on and back into the salty cupboard. A week ago at lunch I pulled the bag out once more. My second crunch session left me less than ecstatic to resume my consumption but I wanted chips and they were the best option that was already open. I hesitantly dipped into the bag and was pleasantly surprised, they tasted decent this time around. They're still not my favourite but they're a unique flavour if you're feeling frisky and a little adventurous give 'em a throw. I'm not sure if my enjoyment depended on my mood or if maybe, like a fine red wine, they needed to aerate to obtain optimum flavour. Either way Ice Ice Baby is a very hit and miss song [Ninja Rap however is a completely different story, HA!].
Stay hydrated,
Late Night all nighter Cheeseburger Doritos were absolutely terrible. Like, you were looking up at the clouds and a bird crapped in your mouth terrible. Ever since enduring Doritos monstrosity, I have been very skeptical when a chip company has cheeseburger flavoured chips. This skepticism carried over when I saw President's Choice World of Flavours Canadian Burger chips..but given the track record PC has with their chip flavours I figured I'd give them a chance. The first time I tried Canadian Burger was this past March. They didn't become my favourite flavour but also didn't go up on my list of chip vendettas. I wasn't in a rush to try them again however I also wasn't averse to future forward to a couple weeks ago. I cracked a new bag of PC Canadian Burger chips. I grabbed one of the ridged odd smelling salty semicircles out of the bag and gently placed it into my maw. These chips taste like a smokey pickle wrapped in some sort of animal flesh dipped in ketchup then placed on the barbeque. I got about a third of the way through the bag and hit my threshold, I wasn't turned off by the chips but wasn't so drawn in that I had to finish the bag. I clipped them and returned to the salty bag half a week later. This time I made it through another third of the bag before I had enough, I was no longer enjoying this flavour [however not the point of tossing the rest of the bag]. Clip on and back into the salty cupboard. A week ago at lunch I pulled the bag out once more. My second crunch session left me less than ecstatic to resume my consumption but I wanted chips and they were the best option that was already open. I hesitantly dipped into the bag and was pleasantly surprised, they tasted decent this time around. They're still not my favourite but they're a unique flavour if you're feeling frisky and a little adventurous give 'em a throw. I'm not sure if my enjoyment depended on my mood or if maybe, like a fine red wine, they needed to aerate to obtain optimum flavour. Either way Ice Ice Baby is a very hit and miss song [Ninja Rap however is a completely different story, HA!].
Stay hydrated,
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