In a city not too far away there exists three rock and roll surf punks. Do these punks have names? Yeah dude, (buy the album or look at their bandcamp if you really want to find out their personal information ya creep) these fellas collectively go by the name of The Thrashers. This past spring The Thrashers released a stellar album on Transistor 66, ROBOT INVADERS FROM THE DEATH GALAXY featuring music by THE THRASHERS. Robot Invaders opens with a instrumental surf track then proceeds to lyrically (and musically) delight and amuse. Musically, as mentioned above this is a rock and roll album with heavy surf influence. On top of that there's punk energy all over the place. The vocal delivery is fairly animated with spurts of 80's hardcore. Lyrically (on the surface) this album is [as the title may lead you to believe] a B-movie (mixed with the musical tone that gives me a real psychobilly vibe). Robot Invaders finds The Thrashers blending their musical influences together perfectly without sounding forced or contrived. Shit slays, I can't wait to see these guys live.
Growing up Canadian I never put any thought into the flavour of "All Dressed" chips; it was just another common seasoning option. This lack of thought continued throughout my adolescence (had to google the spelling on that one, I wanted to spell it as Adolescents but knew it couldn't be right) and adulthood..until somewhat recently when I was looking at an IG review of a bag of all dressed chips from Closet Chipsin' (a fantastic IG if you're looking for quick reviews of chips from all over the world) and she referred to all dressed as being a Canadian flavour. What the what? It appears outsiders don't have this fantastic staple. Since finding out this interesting little tidbit I haven't been able to get all dressed out of the back of my mind, which leads me to a few weeks ago. As I was perusing the chip aisle of Superstore I saw a bag of LOADS OF ALL DRESSED FLAVOUR chips. Usually I'd pass them up for a less standard flavour but I figured, why not celebrate my Canadian heritage and {somewhat} critically step into a {assumed} great twist on a classic. (Fast forward to today) I eagerly opened my chip wallpapered bag and surveyed it's contents..just as the exterior graphic showed..standard ridged potato chips with a healthy? orange(ish) coating. I enthusiastically tossed one of these sweet lil' morsels into my mouth and was greeted with a healthy dose of all dressed flavour (in this case; lead singer/guitar's bbq, drummer's salt and vinegar..bass player isn't flashy but brings something between dill pickle and ketchup....there might be some dickhead playing tamborine but luckily his sour cream and onion? is way in the background and possibly inaudible). President's Choice delivers once again with their "LOADS OF" line. I dig these fairly heavily seasoned gems, I can see them becoming a less overlooked opener on my bill.
So..President's Choice..where's the LOADS OF SALT AND VINEGAR? Seriously. Where is it! NOW!
Stay hydrated,
Growing up Canadian I never put any thought into the flavour of "All Dressed" chips; it was just another common seasoning option. This lack of thought continued throughout my adolescence (had to google the spelling on that one, I wanted to spell it as Adolescents but knew it couldn't be right) and adulthood..until somewhat recently when I was looking at an IG review of a bag of all dressed chips from Closet Chipsin' (a fantastic IG if you're looking for quick reviews of chips from all over the world) and she referred to all dressed as being a Canadian flavour. What the what? It appears outsiders don't have this fantastic staple. Since finding out this interesting little tidbit I haven't been able to get all dressed out of the back of my mind, which leads me to a few weeks ago. As I was perusing the chip aisle of Superstore I saw a bag of LOADS OF ALL DRESSED FLAVOUR chips. Usually I'd pass them up for a less standard flavour but I figured, why not celebrate my Canadian heritage and {somewhat} critically step into a {assumed} great twist on a classic. (Fast forward to today) I eagerly opened my chip wallpapered bag and surveyed it's contents..just as the exterior graphic showed..standard ridged potato chips with a healthy? orange(ish) coating. I enthusiastically tossed one of these sweet lil' morsels into my mouth and was greeted with a healthy dose of all dressed flavour (in this case; lead singer/guitar's bbq, drummer's salt and vinegar..bass player isn't flashy but brings something between dill pickle and ketchup....there might be some dickhead playing tamborine but luckily his sour cream and onion? is way in the background and possibly inaudible). President's Choice delivers once again with their "LOADS OF" line. I dig these fairly heavily seasoned gems, I can see them becoming a less overlooked opener on my bill.
So..President's Choice..where's the LOADS OF SALT AND VINEGAR? Seriously. Where is it! NOW!
Stay hydrated,
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