Lets talk about Old Dutch Cheddar and Sour Cream chips. They kind of smell like farts. The chips are your standard flat lightweight potato chip (standard Lays and Old Dutch are pretty much the same for weight comparison).
When the chip hops into your mouth you're all, "hey somewhat creamy texture with slight faux cheddar taste, how ya doin?"
C&SC politely replies, "Oh, you know, been hanging out with my buddy, Sour Cream and Onion Jr."
Then you're all like, "Oh, that's odd because you taste like sour cream and onion's less offensive cousin"
"Yeah, that's me. SC&O is actually my Dad's cousin. It's just easier to say buddy than second cousin"
"Cool. Since your on the light side of the flavour spectrum do you mind if I take you for a swim in homemade sour cream and onion soup dip?"
"Yeah budday! Just make sure you grab a good half dozen of me so that you have the strength to sweep through without breakage. It'd be quite lame if you left parts of me behind in the dip."
"It's a deal..Say, what's your favourite type of music?"
"Classic Rock, man!"
"What is classic rock anyway? I used to think that it was that slow garbage from the 70's but as time doesn't stand still, and we're now a lifetime from the 90's. Is 90's classic rock?"
"Yeah, I'd say 90's is classic rock."
"So like Rancid and NoFX"
"Naw, grunge. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, that ilk"
"So, 60's through 90's snore rock?"
"Pretty much, yeah"
"I guess it's not all bad, but still, bummer."
Stay hydrated,
When the chip hops into your mouth you're all, "hey somewhat creamy texture with slight faux cheddar taste, how ya doin?"
C&SC politely replies, "Oh, you know, been hanging out with my buddy, Sour Cream and Onion Jr."
Then you're all like, "Oh, that's odd because you taste like sour cream and onion's less offensive cousin"
"Yeah, that's me. SC&O is actually my Dad's cousin. It's just easier to say buddy than second cousin"
"Cool. Since your on the light side of the flavour spectrum do you mind if I take you for a swim in homemade sour cream and onion soup dip?"
"Yeah budday! Just make sure you grab a good half dozen of me so that you have the strength to sweep through without breakage. It'd be quite lame if you left parts of me behind in the dip."
"It's a deal..Say, what's your favourite type of music?"
"Classic Rock, man!"
"What is classic rock anyway? I used to think that it was that slow garbage from the 70's but as time doesn't stand still, and we're now a lifetime from the 90's. Is 90's classic rock?"
"Yeah, I'd say 90's is classic rock."
"So like Rancid and NoFX"
"Naw, grunge. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, that ilk"
"So, 60's through 90's snore rock?"
"Pretty much, yeah"
"I guess it's not all bad, but still, bummer."
Stay hydrated,
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