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Honesty Lives Elsewhere

I enjoy collecting. That's a statement that won't surprise many people that know me. I like to hold something in my hands, something physical that can't get lost in a sub-folder or hard drive crash, something that I can feel..or taste. For almost all of my collections however I maintain one primary rule, my collections have to involve direct consumption (that and I have no intentions of ever flipping anything at an inflated price). I make a conscious effort to regularly put needle to all of the physical records that I own (well almost all, there's some clunkers that I've picked up in batches at garage sales or had given to me en masse that I'm slowly sifting my way through [I do intend on giving each one of them at least one spin]), not just their digital counterparts. Any crevice in my car that is large enough to house a cd/cd's does in fact almost always house compact discs (in their cases [not a cd binder, I'm not an animal {I'm wise enough to recognize that cd binders wreak havoc on their contents}]) with a regular rotation bringing in the new, adding the old to the rack.  Primarily what drives my collections is the promise of something new..sometimes I get sucked in by the packaging/edition/rareness (but I try to avoid that trap, you know as it is usually a trap...Unless you're in on the ground floor and in that case it's most likely because it's new and is intriguing..uh, yeah, anyway). New can be so exciting. Sometimes you hit a dud but for the most part it's middling to awesome.

My enjoyment for collecting music has also crossed over into chips (this is partially due to this salty blog). I've always been known as a rabid (and enthusiastic) chip consumer. If a bag was opened, I was there; crane hand ready to snatch and when it was all over, crushing and pouring the bottom of the bag into my maw. My chipping habits have however changed since I started writing this blog. The flavour palate of which I consume from has broadened. I've went from eating unhealthy? amounts of the same dozen or so flavours and brands to (still unhealthy?) amounts of new and exciting chip flavours/brands. The salty bag has opened me up to a world of independent/foreign/regional chips and it's fantastic. The beauty of chips is that you can research them online, see what bags look like, make educated guesses as to what they'll taste like but at the end of the day, until that bag is in your hands; it's all speculation. Once that (lets call it) chase bag is in your possession you have one choice, consume. After that the bag is finished it goes in the garbage and frees up space for a new salty bag. Chips are the prefect collection. Well in that they are the collectors methadone. Will chips stop you from collecting, not really (between the salty cupboard and the salty shelves at any given time there's about 30-40 bags in the chamber), but you know what? The beauty to a consumable perishable collection is that in order to experience you have to consume. The collection is forever expanding and contracting (with an emphasis on contracting). As for consumption, to a certain extent, it's dictated by best before dates.


Stay hydrated,


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