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Heartbeaten by Police

Anticipation. When I was a teenager my buddy was making a wakeboard video of us and our friends. After throwing possible titles back and forth for what seemed like forever we settled on Anticipation, this week's post is not about wakeboarding or that video (this is a chip and music blog silly). My ramblings this week however are brought together by anticipation and serendipity (also not the movie).

A few years ago I tried to enter Caesar flavour into the Lays Do Us a Flavour, my suggestion was rejected on the basis that the chip flavours had to be for kids as well as parents (that's a paraphrase; I can't remember the exact wording that those clueless turds at Lays had as an auto response on their website [vodka doesn't make the caesar you worthless chuds, it's called a virgin caesar]). Anyway, after that I decided that I'd scour the internet for caesar chips. At the time I could only find one brand that produced a caesar flavour chip, President's Choice (I have yet to see them in person let alone taste that holy grail. If anyone reading this comes across a bag please get one and get ahold of me, you will be rewarded. [last year Kettle Brand put out caesar, I had a bag..but somehow lost it on my way back from Vancouver. That, was a bummer]). Anyway, through my caesar research I stumbled upon a pickle company out of Brooklyn/Detroit by the name of McClures that has 3 chip flavours; dill pickle, spicy dill pickle and Bloody Mary (not quite caesar but beggers, amiright?). I've had my eyes open for McClures since..and haven't seen them once (I've contemplated ordering a case but that can get expensive with exchange and US shipping). Then in mid March homie Mike out in Calgary and his wife Sarah texted me a picture of some odd chips they found...McClures Spicy Dill Pickle! Not gonna lie, I was super envious..because not only were there spicy dill pickle but I could see bags of Bloody Mary in the background of the picture, they didn't even know the goldmine they stumbled upon (in my eyes). I thought to myself, 'hopefully they still stock those the next time that I'm in Calgary. So close but so far away'. A few weeks passed and next thing I know there's a Safeway bag on my counter that Mike's mom had dropped off. Naw, it couldn't be...yes it was a bag of McClures Spicy Pickle AND a bag of Bloody Mary! (thanks everyone that was involved with those ending up in my possession).

Early on in 2017 the Dopamines announced that they were putting out their follow up to late winter they announced that it would be coming out in early May (I think it comes out on May 5, but don't quote me on that). When I received the bag of McClures Bloody Mary I decided that I would wait until I had Tales of Interest in my possession so that I could review both of these highly anticipated pieces of art at the same time. Long story short, I managed to obtain a test pressing of said anticipated record. The test pressing arrived this past Thursday. I've had a chance to listen to it twice at the time of writing this so it's still pretty fresh (and the test didn't come with a lyric sheet, hopefully the 1st pressing will). With Tales of Interest the Dopamines don't stray too far from their sound that we all love. Simply put, it's midwestern pop punk. I'd say this album is slightly heavier than their past 3 (or maybe John Lewis got that in my head on ep 150 of Anxious and Angry and it really isn't heavier, I haven't had the chance to listen to all of them back to back yet to really compare, haha) that I think about it I'm not sure if heavy is the right word, some of the music just feels darker than usual. There's also what I feel is a little garage fuzz on some of the songs..mostly in the last 3rd of the album. The tempo gets your toe tapping. The melodic vocals are there like an old friend, they put you at ease without being boring. Lyrically, I honestly haven't had the time to dive into it yet (once again fingers crossed for a lyric sheet with the 1st pressing). From the few passive passes I've taken through the album I'd say they're the (Dopamine) standard; depression, drinking and reluctantly being an adult (right after I wrote this I started listening to it again, shit's lyrically dark too). Does this album live up to my hopes and expectations? I'd drive another 2400km (round trip) to see them.

What do you mean this is a chip blog? Well, McClures Kettle Cooked Bloody Mary Potato Chips smell like kettle cooked chips. If one were to pop a few in their mouth they might be surprised by the bite that these crunchy (mid weight, pretty standard kettle cooked chip) lil potato slices pack. Like seriously, weeyow they have an unexpcected kick to them. The heat takes centre stage in my opinion, it alternates between a hot black pepper and a hot chilli pepper. On Marc's scale of Jalapeno or not, they're slightly hotter than your standard Jalap potato chip flavour (they get your forehead sweating after a half bag). The tomato flavour mostly comes through in the aftertaste. With about half of the chips I was able to pick out a hint of green olive juice. The seasoning is almost unevenly even. In that I mean that the chips consistently have flavour however some have more heat than others. The chips with less heat allow for more of the tomato/olive flavour to shine through. I personally think that the unevenness is quite welcomed. Now, did McClures Blood Mary live up to my expectations you ask? Sort of. These are the closest chips to caesar that I've managed to consume (as a Canadian I don't drink bloody mary's very often and prefer caesars), they taste like a spicy bloody mary and if that's truly what you're looking for I don't think you'll be let down. I do however think that McClures should label these as Spicy Bloody Mary, but that's just this salty fella.

Stay hydrated,


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