Sometimes co-op (sorry if you don't live in western Canada) releases chips flavours that are straight up bangers. This past Tuesday I cracked out a bag of co-op Gold, Kettle Cooked Black Pepper & Balsamic Vinegar chips. Do they have a distinct scent..not really. The chips are mid to light weight on the kettle cooked spectrum. Even though they're not the heaviest chips they still deliver a good crunch. The flavour is fairly evenly distributed throughout the bag with both balsamic vinegar and black pepper being present (go figure, right?) without being overly aggressive. When consuming, the vinegar flavour hits slightly earlier than the pepper. The tartness followed up with a black pepper minor heat is quite enjoyable. Damn fine chips (hey co-op, don't let these go the way of jalapeno dill [while you're at it, please bring back jalapeno dill]).
About a year ago I went to an all ages show at the East End CC. I went there for the Uglies but I was pleasantly surprised by the other YWG band that they were kicking off their western Canada tour with, Stickaround. Up until that show I had never heard them before, I had only seen their name in passing. They're throaty melodic pop punk with multiple singers and some fantastic harmonies. Since that show (which I was able to cop both of their current cd's [demo and ep]) I've been keeping my eye on them via Instagram and low and behold, this past April they dropped their first full length, In This Life. A catchy little 9 song album. I'd squarely place Stickaround's sound in the 'midwestern' pop punk house with some nice 90's epi-fat influence. Since seeing them play I believe that I've noticed their members at both the Iron Chic/OWTH and Red City Radio/Worst Days Down shows in Peg (which makes total sense). The lyrics are soaked in partying and the subsequent repercussions..with the odd broken relationship thrown in. Stickaround really bring the Dopamines to mind in their way of writing boozed out songs that make you want to move, there's a brightness to the music juxtaposed with lyrics that can be viewed as a little dark that works perfectly. Now please play Bdn again so that I can catch you's live again and grab a copy of In This Life (another Stickaround/Uglies show would be quite alright).
Stay hydrated,
About a year ago I went to an all ages show at the East End CC. I went there for the Uglies but I was pleasantly surprised by the other YWG band that they were kicking off their western Canada tour with, Stickaround. Up until that show I had never heard them before, I had only seen their name in passing. They're throaty melodic pop punk with multiple singers and some fantastic harmonies. Since that show (which I was able to cop both of their current cd's [demo and ep]) I've been keeping my eye on them via Instagram and low and behold, this past April they dropped their first full length, In This Life. A catchy little 9 song album. I'd squarely place Stickaround's sound in the 'midwestern' pop punk house with some nice 90's epi-fat influence. Since seeing them play I believe that I've noticed their members at both the Iron Chic/OWTH and Red City Radio/Worst Days Down shows in Peg (which makes total sense). The lyrics are soaked in partying and the subsequent repercussions..with the odd broken relationship thrown in. Stickaround really bring the Dopamines to mind in their way of writing boozed out songs that make you want to move, there's a brightness to the music juxtaposed with lyrics that can be viewed as a little dark that works perfectly. Now please play Bdn again so that I can catch you's live again and grab a copy of In This Life (another Stickaround/Uglies show would be quite alright).
Stay hydrated,
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