FRIED PICKLES WITH RANCH FLAVORED LAY'S. As you can tell by that first line, I recently had a friend that went on a trip to the States and was kind enough to bring me back a bag of 'merican Lay's (unsolicited at that [thanks Top]). I got them on Monday and I'm already cracking them and posting..this is a pretty quick turnaround from procurement to this here blog. I'm not going to tell you what I think they're going to be like as I have heard second hand of another's first impression, so without further ado...they smell like dill pickle chips with the faint odor of a gym bag (or something to that affect [that was unexpected]). They taste like creamy dill's first cousin. Dill is up front and centre with some creamy texture to the chip seasoning. There's almost a hint of the most faint blue cheese flavour, I know they're telling me it's ranch on the bag but I get some sort of blue cheeseness (maybe it's just me [I have been eating a lot of b...
I like salty snacks, like..really enjoy (and music).
My snack of choice is chips..whether tortilla, potato or something weird; as long as they taste good, I'm down.
I post musings/reviews/interviews here once a month..sometimes more frequently. Just a heads up, I incorporate music into my salty tales. It's difficult to tell if this is a chip blog about music or a music blog about chips. Does it really matter anyway?
Instagram: saltybag204v2 Twitter: @saltybag204