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Owned and Operated

As a consumer I could be better. I'm constantly searching for the new. I find an amazing bag of chips, I wonder what the other flavours from that brand are like. I find an artist/band that puts out a banger of an album, yeah I'll savor it for a while however I eventually find myself asking when the next album's going to be released. I'm not saying that I'll abandon the old album, but there's always a part of me looking for that next release. Maybe it's just that I want the feeling of 'new' again, or maybe I'm an insatiable prick of a consumer who can't just appreciate what an artist(s) have given me. This isn't to say that I can't accept a break up or retirement, but when there's that potential for the new new then that takes up real estate in my head. I've mentioned a couple bands that fall into this longing for new category in my year end round up...I think every year that I've been putting out this blog. These would be The Cure (last album 2008's 4:13 Dream) and Bigwig (last album 2006's Reclimation). Both bands have said that new music is coming for a whiiiiile and every year I think that maybe this is the year, and I selfishly get a little disappointed when nothing materializes. But really, what is there to be disappointed about. The Cure has put out 13 amazing albums, do I need a 14th or am I just being greedy? The same can be said for Bigwig, 4 bangin' albums with each new album being better than the previous. These bands owe me nothing, so why can't I just be happy with what I've been given. I don't know, I guess the first step is recognizing the problem, right?

So a buddy brought a bag of Haitai Honey Butter Chips (Sweet honey flavour) Made of Potato 100% (that was a relief to read, amiright) to work a couple months ago. I tried them and was quite impressed so when I noticed a bag in the Asian food aisle of Wal-mart about a month ago I had to snap them up (even though they are quite possibly the most unhealthy chips that I've reviewed on this blog [the bag is 60g, I'm wondering if this is due to the fact that per 60g you get 48% of your daily fat {87% of daily saturated} and actually only 12% of your daily sodium {so I guess it's just the fat content that is almost off the charts}]). The smell buttery with sweetness, it's not quite honey, it's just sweetness. The chips are relatively thin, there's a somewhat papery crunch to them that is like, moist with butter. After a few chomps the chips start to turn quite viscous. The flavour is quite sweet and buttery (who woulda thought eh), with significant oil texture on the ol' tongue. The palm oil that they were cooked in mixed with the butter flavour ingredients make for quite a heavy chip. These are interesting chips, I think anything over 60g might drag you down a bit, but in small doses they are very unique and enjoyable.

Stay hydrated,



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