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Heartspark Dollarsign

2015, amiright.

Below I've listed some stuff that was rad. The stuff on the list isn't necessarily new for 2015, just stuff that I partook in consuming that I think others should as well (even if they have to go out of their way). This listing is in no particular order.

Chip/Snack Division:

- "Homemade" Queso (Velveeta and Hot Ro*tel [yeah it's not from scratch but it's a nice alternative to Tostitos {pretty much all the other brand pre-mades that I've tried are hot garbage}])

- Homemade Dill Pickle Dip (cream cheese, pickles, pickle juice, garlic or onion powder..then whatever you think'll be good in it [thanks Tara])

- Archer Farms chips (Canadian division. R.I.P.)

- Freezeritos (Doritos (Sweet Chili Heat, Ketchup, Dillicious (or whatever they're called now), Roulette, Hab/Guac Collions...I think that pretty much has them covered) 

- President's Choice chips in general. Big shout out to the "Loads of" line. (I was in the Superstore chips aisle this past fall and there were two [my guess 12 year old] boys looking for chips. Kid 1 pointed out that President's Choice was cheaper to Kid 2. Kid 2 turned his nose up at the thought, talked smack and grabbed a bag of Lay's (fucking marketing). I was going to pipe up but I didn't want to be that creepy old man schooling kids on chips. That poor misguided soul.)

- Brannigans Proper Thick Cut Crisps: Smoked Ham & Pickle

- Covered Bridge Sea Salt & Vinegar (in general Covered Bridge makes one fine chip but their Sea Salt & Vinegar is FANTASTIC! [one of the greatest life hacks ever: Dollarama (at least where I live) sells 105g bags of Covered Bridge {S&V, BBQ and Dill Pickle} for $1.25. The perfect size for a crazy good price {I've never seen a full size ((180g)) bag of Covered Bridge go on sale for anything even close to that price when you do the math}])

- Hawkins Cheezies

- El Sabroso Guacachips with homemade salsa (preferably derived from the recipe that I use).

- Big ups to people gifting me odd or 'rare' chip flavours (you know who you are)

Music Division:

- Filmage (dvd)
- G.F.Y. Press (Chris Walter writes some good
- Bigwig demoing new songs (fingers crossed for a [likely] 2016 album release)
- Mikey Erg announcing a solo album for 2016

- Jeff Rosenstock - We Cool
- Mobina Galore - Cities Away
- The Thrashers - Robot Invaders from the Death Galaxy
- Caves - Leaving
- Mal Blum - You Look a Lot Like Me
- Spraynard - Mable
- Skinny Genes - UGH
- Sabertooth - Spaces Between
- The Penske File - Born into the Earth
- Pool Party - Number One
- Joey Badass - B4.DA.$$.
- Dangercat - To The Moon
- Bobby Barnett - Little Wounds
- The Hospital Job - Never Get Cold
- The Copyrights - Report
- Intuition - Intuition & Equalibrum
- Leftover Crack - Constructs of the State
- Fashawn - The Ecology
- Def3 - Wildlif3

Stay hydrated,


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