I'd like to say I'm a music and chip connoisseur..aficionado..halfwit, but that would insinuate some sort of high level of competence; a developed palate..possession of some sort of authoritative expertise. At the end of the day I'm an enthusiast through and through. I've never taken the time to study music. I dabble in the theory and history here and there (dabble may even be an overstatement), but at the end of the day I'm happy liking what I like and making my own uneducated observations. There's tons of music that I'm supposed to like (intellectually and historically) but I just don't. I thought about listing some of those bands here (partially as a troll..and partially because I enjoy shitting on some astonishingly boring highly regarded bands) but I've tried to avoid shitting on any artists at the Salty Bag, mostly because when push comes to shove anyone that's released a legitimate album is leaps and bounds more talented than me (that even includes the puppets [I don't hold chip makers in the same regard, even thought I am certain some of them have attained artist status in the art of chip making]). I'm not here to crack open a bag of snacks and consume them at an agonizingly slow pace so that I can mindfully make intelligent commentary on potato/tortilla chips/salty snacks..my goal is to make quick observations based on my regular vacuum like consumption rate and present them in an (hopefully) entertaining fashion to you, my fellow enthusiasts. That's not to say that this blog hasn't changed the way I consume. Being that I'm now approaching chips with a (mildly) critical eye, I have started to notice (some) of the subtle taste variances between brands and the characteristics of 'standard' flavours ie: all dressed. Since the Salty Bag inception, If I'm eating a bag of chips (that I haven't already reviewed on here) I'll make a few quick notes on my smartphone so that I remember defining characteristics..that is if I'm not concurrently writing a blog on said chips.
Was the above paragraph necessary. Not one bit. Now for what you all came here to read.
It was a beautiful fall day (possibly, I really don't know, my notes say it was Sept 15). I returned home from a long day at the chip factory (not true, I do not work at nor am I affiliated with any chip factory) to find a delectable piece of Saskatoon pie sitting on the counter. I thought to myself, "Damn son, that looks tasty!", so I stepped into the pie. It had a bomb ass crust and was mighty fine but I couldn't help but shake the thought of President's Choice Sriracha. This may have been due to the fact that there was a bag of them sitting directly in front of me on the cupboard or it could be due to the fact that PC rarely misses and I had recently acquired a flavour that had yet to meet my taste-buds. I told myself, "Marc, you don't need to snack on anything else"..then realized that my brain doesn't control me, chips do. I snatched the bag off the counter, grabbed the sides of the bag and peeled them apart as I had done so many times before. When I took a whiff of the freshly opened bag I was met with a somewhat familiar smell..were these mislabeled buffalo wing and blue cheese or was my nose deceiving me. I popped one in my mouth and it turns out..
..these ridged beauties were in fact President's Choice Sriracha. These crunchy somewhat sweet morsels bring a medium heat and mild after-burn with just a hint of what tasted like ketchup seasoning. PC didn't quite nail the flavour of that rooster bottle sriracha, but they're pretty good. Kind of a sriracha infused ketchup chip..or vice versa. These chips aren't likely to make it into the regular rotation but they're a nice change of pace for the frisky ketchup lover who wants a fun night out on the town.
They're kind of the Hi Ho Silver, Away! (Their 2014 album Chore is pretty good but often gets missed in the rotation due to my distaste of that band name [kind of sound like a pop-punk version of The Hold Steady]) of chips. The name's a bit of a mislead, but the end product is quite enjoyable. I should really listen to Chore more often, good shit.
Stay Hydrated,
Was the above paragraph necessary. Not one bit. Now for what you all came here to read.
It was a beautiful fall day (possibly, I really don't know, my notes say it was Sept 15). I returned home from a long day at the chip factory (not true, I do not work at nor am I affiliated with any chip factory) to find a delectable piece of Saskatoon pie sitting on the counter. I thought to myself, "Damn son, that looks tasty!", so I stepped into the pie. It had a bomb ass crust and was mighty fine but I couldn't help but shake the thought of President's Choice Sriracha. This may have been due to the fact that there was a bag of them sitting directly in front of me on the cupboard or it could be due to the fact that PC rarely misses and I had recently acquired a flavour that had yet to meet my taste-buds. I told myself, "Marc, you don't need to snack on anything else"..then realized that my brain doesn't control me, chips do. I snatched the bag off the counter, grabbed the sides of the bag and peeled them apart as I had done so many times before. When I took a whiff of the freshly opened bag I was met with a somewhat familiar smell..were these mislabeled buffalo wing and blue cheese or was my nose deceiving me. I popped one in my mouth and it turns out..
..these ridged beauties were in fact President's Choice Sriracha. These crunchy somewhat sweet morsels bring a medium heat and mild after-burn with just a hint of what tasted like ketchup seasoning. PC didn't quite nail the flavour of that rooster bottle sriracha, but they're pretty good. Kind of a sriracha infused ketchup chip..or vice versa. These chips aren't likely to make it into the regular rotation but they're a nice change of pace for the frisky ketchup lover who wants a fun night out on the town.
They're kind of the Hi Ho Silver, Away! (Their 2014 album Chore is pretty good but often gets missed in the rotation due to my distaste of that band name [kind of sound like a pop-punk version of The Hold Steady]) of chips. The name's a bit of a mislead, but the end product is quite enjoyable. I should really listen to Chore more often, good shit.
Stay Hydrated,
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