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Is There Anything Left?

This is just a rundown of my postings in 2021 including: the blog title, chip and music reference for anyone that doesn't want to read all them (I've done this each previous year for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021)

January 2022:

Out of Touch - Music (for title): Shad [TAO album]. This was a rundown of good things from 2021. Also included is a brief review of co-op Gold Pure kettlecooked popcorn, Jalapeno White Cheddar flavour

February 2022:

  Cut & Run - Music: Carly Dow - Comet     Chip: Lay's Flavours from China Cucumber

Confrontation - Music: Get Dead - Dancing with the Curse     Chip: Doritos Flamin' Hot Cool Ranch

March 2022:

- Music: Lawrence Arms - Guided Tour of Chicago, Alkaline Trio - Goddamnit, Maybe I'll Catch Fire     Chip: Paqui Mucho Nacho Cheese, Cheetos puffs White Cheddar Jalapeno

Time to Buy a Futon - Music: SNFU - Better than a Stick in the Eye     Chip: Miss Vickies Sweet and Spicy Ketchup

 April 2022:

Don't Drink the Kool-Aid - Music: Hockey Moms - Warming up the Van     Salty Snack: co-op Gold PURE Chickpea Red Curry Chips

DLTDHYOTWOMusic: The Barstool Preachers - Grazie Governo     Salty Snack: Miss Vickie's Sweet Southern BBQ   

May 2022:

No Angels, No Demons - Music: Ristrikt - We Are All Just Human     Chip: Old Dutch Arriba Mexian Street Corn    
June 2022:

Traffic Street - Music: Rivethead - Cheap Wine of Youth (and the bands that spawned from that band)     Chip: Lay's (from China) Taro root 

No Mas - Music:  Clipwing, MakeWar, Brendan Kelly (solo) and A Wilhelm Scream (Live)     ChipOld Dutch Ridgies Extra Ketchup    

July 2022:

Spaces Between - Music: Sabertooth - Spaces Between    Chips: Cal & Garys Kettle Cooked Smokin' Sweet BBQ potato chips    

August 2022:

You're Not the Boss of Me - Music: Pip Skid - A Really Nice Day    Snackco-op Gold Pure vegan cheese Protein Twists  

Friends -  Music: Ween - La Cucaracha     Chip: Slide Curry Garlic

September 2022:

2022 was sort of a rough year and I ended up not posting anything in September.

October 2022:

Put a Band Aid On It - Music:  Holy Shit! - K.B.D.O.O.P.      Chip: Slide Dill Pickle

I Can't Fight This Crazy Anymore - Music: Doki Doki (band)    Chip: Slide Honey BBQ

Room of Flowers - Music: Glitter Symphony featuring Sizon - In Green Furs     Chip: Ruffles (with KFC) Original Recipe Chicken flavour 

Taikon Mi - Music: Quit It! - Spilling Out    Chip: Slide Salt & Vinegar

November 2022: 

My Brain Hurts - Music: musing on separating art from the artist    "Chips": Pringles Honey Mustard, Pringles Groovz Tangy Southern BBQ

Fix Up, Look Sharp - Music: Dizzee Rascal     Chip: Slide Spicy BBQ        

December 2022:

Fairytale of New York - Music: Complaint about people not recognizing the Pogues classic christmas song     Chip: Covered Bridge East Coast Lifestyle Thick Cut Sea Salt 

Return of Django - Music: The Upsetters - The Return of Django     Chip: Great Value Caribbean BBQ

Stay hydrated,

ps. The title is taken from The Slow Death's 2022 banger of an album Casual Majesty.

 pps. In case you didn't do the math, I'm entering year 9 of this here blog. 


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