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Beachfront Property

(If you're looking for a review, go to the very bottom to read my words about co-op Gold Pure kettle cooked Jalapeno White Cheddar)

Well, 2020 was an odd year. I'm up in Canada so it wasn't quite as odd as other countries, so that was tight..I guess. I believe this was the most growth that my CD collection has seen in years..if not ever. I got some groovy records, still managed to get some American chip flavours. Yeah, so below I'm going to provide an update on what I found to get of note in's not going to be the definitive list of cool stuff, but it's the list that you're getting. 

Beyond categorization

- I kept the annual(?) interview train going thanks to the kindness of Greg Rekus 

- People that I don't know that were nice in one way or another: Both Bazooka Joe and Rob Crooks separately, Thomas Quinlan of Hand Solo Records, Jon Lewis of The Dopamines, Epic and Saskatoon Folk Rap Records

- Who Wants $2.69 with Martin Urbano on Twitch via Planet Scum (or youtube)...Planet Scum on Twitch in general has some great shows

- Chris Gethard's Taylor Ham, Egg, And Cheese album. 

- I'm a little late on this but, Two Minutes To Late Night

Chip/Snack Division

- Quote from 2018, repeated in 2019 and still holds up in 2020 Co-op Gold PURE chips (these will likely show up every year because they're fantastic..& there is no beating the PURE price point. They're premium chip quality for like $2.70."..2020 Update, I finally tried a bag of Gold PURE kettle cooked popcorn {read about it at the bottom}

- Sour cream with onion soup mix dip with Ruffles All Dressed chips

- Ridgies Spicy Salt and Vinegar

- co-op Gold Pure Honey Dill. These deserve a separate entry from the blanket Gold PURE above. 

- Arriba corn chips in general. I can't believe I somewhat wrote these off years ago. The red bag is pretty nifty, their foray into guac was great, and their sweet chili just may have taken the sweet chili crown.

- homemade salsa verde, specifically the recipe that I noted in the review.

- Cheezies. They don't get enough hype on this blog but dang do I enjoy them.

Music Division (with a dash of podcasts)

Things to look forward to in 2021

- It seems like there's going to be a buttload of new music in general

- PEANUTS & CORN...releases coming out the wazoo including the Brandon podcast leading up to the release of mcenroe's Brandon album...and new Bazooka Joe!!

- New Music from Tom Petta/Bigwig(?) and/or The Cure maybe this'll be the year

- More interview(s?)

- Covered Bridge All Dressed (case is on the way, thought removing the 15 bag option really drove up the price/bag after shipping, dang) 

- New Jersey Is The World (podcast)

 Stay hydrated,

marc Gold PURE kettle cooked popcorn, the Jalapeno White Cheddar variety. They smell like they should, white cheddar. This popcorn tastes quite salty with hints of butter accompanied by a mild 'white cheddar' seasoning and a nice lil' jalap' afterburn that doesn't show up until there's no more popcorn in your mouth..but doesn't linger for very long. There's the odd hit of sweetness when you bang out a flavour burst piece. The popcorn is nice and fluffy. I'd call this buttered popcorn with a hint of jalap' and white cheddar. There's the odd flavour burst piece as previously alluded to. Quite an enjoyable bag of popcorn.


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